Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is There More To Life?

Is There More To Life?

Let me tell you a story
A story about this life
About all the worries that we have 
And all about the strife
It seems a constant struggle
A fight till the bitter end
Maybe the only ones who make it worth while
Could be a child, family or a friend
Trying your best to survive this world
And frustrated like so many before
Living on minimum wage
Sometimes I think there has just got to be more
Cats and dogs and people too
All living on the street
Looking for a warm place to rest 
Or searching for food to eat
And someone else is stuck in a dead end job
Never getting the raise so needed
Not looking for a handout
But his son's cancer needs to be treated
I think it's messed up that no matter how sick you are
Whether cancer, cold, or the flu
If you don't have the money for medicine
Then no one has time for you
My faith in humanity just about gone
With all that's wrong today
Yet I'll put my hands together
For those less fortunate
And God will hear my pray

by Paula Renier

One Door Closes and Another Opens

One Door Closes and Another Opens

Every day that passes
I think about my life
Blessed with two beautiful children
But not yet made a wife
And I have the most amazing man
Who could ask for more
But being gifted with my unborn baby
God opened up that door
Going through the baby blues
And looking for a cure
I thought it was to have a baby
But getting pregnant made me sure
And then just as quickly
It was taken away
Now I'm supposed to go on with my life
And just take it day to day
They say that you are given 
Only what you can handle
But when I lost that part of me
It was like blowing out a candle 
I know I wasn't far along 
And that it happened at a good time
But it doesn't stop the pain inside
And I sometimes lie awake at night crying
In my heart I know
Maybe this one wasn't meant to be
So here I am trying to move on
But not giving up on three

by Paula Renier

My Unborn Child

My Unborn Child

To my dearest Baby Ridgley
Whom I may never get to see
They tell me that your heart beat's too slow
God, please tell me how this can be
Will you be able to hold on
So I can cradle you in my arms
I wonder if you would have my hazel eyes
And your daddy's southern charms
Maybe you'll get your sister's strong will to lead
And your brother's loving heart
Or maybe you'll get your grandma's caring soul
And all of our love for art
But no matter what is meant to be 
I just want you to know
I understand if you can't hold on
And you feel you have to let go
You will always be in my heart
It is a mothers vow
And when my time comes we'll meet in heaven 
Or maybe nine months from now

by Paula Renier

Dear God

Dear God

Dear God,
I know you hear my prayers
And you will do what you must do 
Even if you take my unborn baby
I am still thankful to you
I have been blessed with two beautiful children
And a man that I adore
I have great friends and family
And you've also given me so much more
I guess I understand
Maybe this was meant to be
But as you know I'm stubborn
And I won't give up easily
This will eventually give me strength I never knew I could have
Even though it hurts right now
To try again after I heal
That is my solemn vow

by Paula Renier

A Monster Within

A Monster Within

I hate myself for hating you
But these feelings so strong what can I do
This isn't who I want to be
But the hate boiling over, I can't seem to set it free
It has no soul and eyes as black as the night sky
It tells you what you want to hear, even if it's a lie
A monster within without as much as a heart
I would like to just tear this monster apart
But I know it's not worth it to lose who I am
So I will just walk away and never look back again

by Paula Renier



I've heard the key to happiness is a smile away
But believing this get harder every day
You've fallen hard, it was love at first sight
But he is not ready and now it's those feelings you fight
I don't know if it's worse to see the pain in your eyes
Or when you can't take anymore and I hear your cries
As a friend, you should know, I will always be here for you
And as your daughter, here's a should to catch your tears too
You've always been a strong woman and I know
From this you'll bounce back and again you strength will grow

by Paula Renier

Monday, January 20, 2014

Low Man on the Totem Pole

Low Man on the Totem Pole

Always told the lie that we have the right
To stand for our freedom, that freedom for which we fight
Yet here we are, all prisoners in this place
Working so hard to pay our bills and still losing the race
Forced to do things we don't want to do
Supposedly to keep all Americans self righteous and true
I would like to believe that people still care
I just don't see that heart we had is still there
Because if you stand for what you believe in you get fined or even locked in a cell
That fine you can't pay because this economy fell
It's sad to know what has come of this world
Wishing I could change it all but I'm only one girl

by Paula Renier