Monday, September 24, 2012

It's Me

It's Me

I cry to sleep
Almost every night
In my heart
I feel something's not right
To you I say
Whomever you are
Carry me away
Some place very far
I have not found you
Although I've tried
Now I give up
My heart has died
My heart's been broken
Too many times before
Now only my kids
I shall forever adore
I see that I'm ugly
I know that I'm fat
But I also know
There's more to me than that
I'm a very good person
And a damn good friend
So it's not what you look like
That counts in the end
I really don't care 
If you don't agree
It's your loss, not mine
If that's not what you see

by Paula Renier

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie u are not ugly or fat you are a very beautiful women. I mad mistakes and i man enough to admit when i am wrong. Im here all i need is that chance to prove myself agin
