Monday, September 24, 2012

Ode To Who?

Ode To Who?

I'm so confused
How should I feel?
I really like you
But is this real?
Am I ready to test 
This so called fate?
I can't believe in love
And don't believe in hate.
Crushed till nothing's left
And completely torn apart,
This is what happened 
When I gave away my heart.
Brick after brick,
Rebuilding the wall that fell.
To protect what I have left.
My heart a prisoner in a cell.
Now my walls are up,
Here's a rope for you.
If you think you care, start climbing.
Because your never breaking through.

Paula Renier

It's Me

It's Me

I cry to sleep
Almost every night
In my heart
I feel something's not right
To you I say
Whomever you are
Carry me away
Some place very far
I have not found you
Although I've tried
Now I give up
My heart has died
My heart's been broken
Too many times before
Now only my kids
I shall forever adore
I see that I'm ugly
I know that I'm fat
But I also know
There's more to me than that
I'm a very good person
And a damn good friend
So it's not what you look like
That counts in the end
I really don't care 
If you don't agree
It's your loss, not mine
If that's not what you see

by Paula Renier



I am always thinking
Of how it would be
If only you would
Be there for me
You always ignore me
And make me feel bad
It hurts me so much
And makes me feel sad
I try to tell you
How much I miss you
But like a child
You don't listen to
Anything I say
Goes through one ear and out the other
I tell you how I feel
You just stare at me and mutter
You'll never understand 
The pain you've caused me
There is a lot more to me
Than what you see
And you'll never know 
Just what you've lost
But unfortunately it's me
Who's paying the cost

by Paula Renier